Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow, they'll be a little older than they were today. This day is a gift. Breath and notice. Smell and touch them. Study their faces and little feet and pay attention. Enjoy today mamma, it will be over before you know it.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sleeping like a (an).....

-Coffee fiend
-Mommy after a scary movie

You pick.  Any of these might describe how much sleep I have gotten in the past week. Little cutie, who is normally a great sleeper was not having any of it last night or the night before or the night before that! Tyler has been out of town for the past week and I can never sleep good when he is gone anyway but with little man not sleeping either, it makes for some very long nights. So, I would describe it to you-my 3 blog followers- but i am too tired. Maybe I can snag a nap?

So Cohen, honey, I love you. I love you when you laugh and when you cry. When you give me a big toothless grin and when you pout.  When, most of what I just fed you, is running down my shirt. When your diaper is full or empty. During bath time and during tummy time. But I love you the most-EST when you let me get some sleep!

He sleeps so good after his bath! I wonder how many times you can bathe a baby in one day:)

I put Cohen in his bassinet while I managed to take a quick shower.
And this was how I found him!
Too bad this was at 5 in the afternoon!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

Just the facts, Jack...

So we took Cohen for his 2 month well-check up today! This was one of those dreaded shots appointments and I did dread it -every minute since I woke up this morning. Tyler was kind enough to take a little time to come with me for moral support. Thanks honey:) The shots were better than I thought-they were quick! He did cry and scream bloody murder for about ten seconds after a delayed reaction of "What just happened to me?". I was able to tear up a little bit without anybody noticing and as soon as the damage had been done, I scooped up my little honey and just like that, the crying was over. Nothing like a little soothing from mom to help the tears stop flowing. Within seconds Cohen was asleep with nothing to show of his experience except two little brown band aids (you figure they would use something cuter like one's with care bears or Dora the Explorer for the little ladies!).

But the real news I want to record are his "stats" at 2 months. He is weighing in at 10 pounds 6 ounces! So this is how it breaks down:

Weight 25th %
Head 50th%
Height 75th%

Wow. Looks like my little cutie could be tall and skinny!!

But I'm guessing that based on genetics those numbers won't hang around too long-but it is entertaining for now!

So content..he is such a good baby! Oh, and I love playing nurse to my baby!
Mommy wants to make him as comfortable as possible!

Bo-Bo tape!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oh, Happy Day!!

So as of about 1:30 this afternoon, Cohen has been grinning up a storm! It is now 3 o clock and I have since been trying to catch it on camera! I managed to snag a few but none as good as when I would put the camera down! He is a fast and sneaky little booger!! Hope these put a smile on your face as well!!

Mr. Drooly face O'Neal!

Semi smile! I'm mostly loving how this outfit accentuates the rolls on his arms and his pot belly;)
(This is what rice cereal will do for ya!)

This arm is always straight up!

Well now it's this arm!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

7 Weeks old!!

I know, I know. I have become a lazy blogger! Cohen has been keeping mommy very busy! So this time you will just have to settle for pics! Gotta go, baby in tow!

Stretch it out!

Tryin' on my beach hat! I'm ready for the sun and sand!

Our nightly mommy and Cohen time!

I love this little robe! I know it is big on him but I could not resist the photo opp!

I had to put a cracker next to Cohen in order to get Oscar to come near him!

Somebody is so sleepy!

Papaw came to see Cohen! (Or Ford as my dad calls him!)

Aunt Angie and Cohen!

Great Grandma and Cohen! I have a picture of her holding me like this when I was a baby:)

My two favorite men!!

Ok,  last pic I promise!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Author, formally known as mommy!

Call it good old curiosity (which is a better word than nosey!) but I love magazine articles, blogs, etc. where the author of the story tells about what they are "into" at the moment. So in the spirit of recording where I am at in life and being able to look back on it later, I would do the same. So here is a list of what the author is loving at the moment.

The AUTHOR is reading: Ok so just being honest, I don't LOVE to read. But since it takes way more brain waves to read a book than to stare at a screen, I need a little bit more accountability these days.
To all of my friends that have a boy or who are expecting one, I highly recommend this read. It is proving to be very enlightening!


What the AUTHOR is loving:  I'm not sure where I located  this DVD but it is FANTASTIC. I'm not kidding when I say I can put it on and Cohen seems to instantly calm and it buys me a whole 30 minutes of Mom time! Whats not to love??

The Author is WANTING: This Method laundry soap looks like the coolest thing since diaper bags. I think I'm going to move this into the NEEDS category very very soon.

Blogger friends, if you have the time and the desire, I would love to know what you are currently into!!

Oh and here are some recent pics..ENJOY!!

Sweet boy

Cohen and Nana

Love it!!

He looks so relaxed!

Me and Cutie!

Cohen fells asleep in Pop's lap!