Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow, they'll be a little older than they were today. This day is a gift. Breath and notice. Smell and touch them. Study their faces and little feet and pay attention. Enjoy today mamma, it will be over before you know it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Polar Express

When I taught Kindergarten, the one thing I looked forward to each December was The Polar Express unit.

The children all wear their pajamas to school.

They decorate a box to look like  a train car.

They sip on hot chocolate.

And they intently watch the movie, Polar Express!

It was always so much fun to have a very LONG train in my classroom.

So, it occurred to me that it was that time of year again.

Except, I don't have a class of my own anymore.

Who am I gonna do Polar Express with?



He is somewhat obsessed with trains currently, so this will be perfect!

I worked hard decorating his train box at work today..when I should have been working:)

The weather could not be more perfect to sit all cozy in front of the Christmas tree and watch this wonderful movie!

I made sure he had "Hot" chocolate to drink...his was not warmed up quiet as much as mine.

He even had his bell necklace!

This little activity was a success!!

If you have a little one, this is something you should try.

He drank to cup fulls of that hot chocolate:)

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